
An archive of Alicia Grega-Pikul's current events columns as have appeared in electric city -- Northeast Pennsylvania's alternative arts & entertainment weekly.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Missionary Mail

Dear Ms. Alicia Grega-Pikul:

I read your column in the Electric City dated March 25-31.

In your second to the last paragraph you said "That's not the point of this column," and I didn't have to read between the lines to see that you were the topic of choice, portraying your hurts and anger from childhood to adulthood. I too was once disillusioned at the same young age, because those who conveyed to me the message did not have the real power of God in their lives. That really makes the difference I found out later.
It was not until the age of 30, in a different place, that I received the Holy Spirit, who tangibly changed my life. I found out that the true message of Christ's life always conveys and releases to a receptive heart healing and wholeness. "The healthy don't need a physician," Jesus said. Christ came to heal the broken hearted and He still does today. A person who is not whole cannot make their children whole, no matter how much love you pour in. Talk to any psychologist. Hanging on to your comfortable dogma may be a detriment to you and your children.
-- (unsigned)

I replied to unsigned as follows:

I appreciate your kind sentiments, but I'm afraid your analysis of me is mistaken.

I've suffered my share of hurts, certainly. Who hasn't? But I'm without doubt in assuring you that my heart has healed. More than healed, it has expanded and become stronger with age and experience. My soul is not broken and I am not without spiritual guidance.

I have come to embrace the lessons of several religions -- not just one. Although you may see this as weak, I believe that your Jesus Christ was only one of many wise teachers who have walked this earth. I prefer to keep an open mind and place my faith in an instinctual conviction that any higher power worth trusting is one that I do not need to question or attempt to define.

You're even more mistaken about my children. They are wonderfully bright and happy little beings full of love who shine light wherever they go. They are confident with their place in the world, notably generous and very aware of the feelings and interests of those around them.

I'm sure your words were well-intended, but perhaps what you've seen between the lines is more a reflection of self than it is an accurate reading of me.

alicia grega-pikul